The night provokes the Sun, to end up in a surprise.
The night blushes with it's dark cheeks;
And with it's gleaming spots,
And a bright dazzling dot,
The night proclaimingly speaks.
The night speaks of the past histories
The night speaks of the perilous mysteries.
The night is the sketch pad of the world.
It has sketches of the heavens, galaxies whorled.
I'm impressed by it's expanse,
I'm impressed when I merely take a glance,
At this Black Beauty, a wonder by itself!
But to know it's real beauty, one has to delve.
One has to probe into it to find out it's allure
One has to study the old lore.
The night is fascinating.
It becomes an imperial roof for a couple dating.
It becomes a shelter for a renounced sage.
It goes on aging as we age.
And finally destruction hits,
And tears this beauty into bits and bits.
Hail the night sky!
Hail the cause of my deep sigh!
Let night see the light.
Let night have a new sight.
Let night be the scion of brightness.
Let night beseech radiance,
And let night be the dazzling wisdom, from hence.