Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Serendipities of Life...

God's have bestowed their Grace on us.
We share our smiles through FB or google plus.
But how true are those smiling cheeks?
Why do they seem so oblique?
Is it an obligation to smile?
Is it wrong to exult once in a while?
Experiences are like footwear on memory lane,
They teach you how not to be in vain.
But what about the thorns with a serrated edge?
No one can save you; cycle, car or sledge.
Life indeed is a way to hell.
It has perils as deep as a well.
Love, romance are just ephemeral sweets.
Even relations, friends and family meets.
All these are allusions to transient solaces.
All these slip one into utter dazes.
No one can elude the clutches of this world.
No one can refrain from being hurled,
Into the illusions of life.
Mother, father, sister and wife;
How true are all these relations?
How true are our "contented" elations?
Life cannot be lived; it has to be learnt.
We enjoy the fruits of whatever we have earnt.
The people we trust; they too have facades.
The people we trust; may they be blessed by the Gods!
Friendship is another checkpoint here,
We consider it a feat, but it indeed is mere.
Backstabbing is a hobby of the elite.
Brilliant are their gifts and exquisite are their treats.
Friendship is never taken serious.
Today one's happy and tomorrow - delirious.
Life is a ferry anchored on sodom's shore.
Heaven's water caresses the ship's outer floor.
Yet the Holy Water doesn't touch the lips.
So near to it, but forbidden to take a few sips.
People in life have gone extremely far.
They never realize; they leave behind deep scars.

Sunday, 23 November 2014


I behold the evil darkness, 
I behold the hellish witches.
Priests of Satan, dwellers of furnace.
Shining like pulsars and their glitches.

Demeaned in the past,
They have risen now.
Exempt from hell at last,
Unknown why and how.

Faces full of glee,
Facades very obnoxious.
From piety they flee,
And their will - atrocious.

Potions of woes,
Spells of death,
Prayers of throes,
Worship like that of Seth.

I foresee that day,
We are conquered by them.
Every plain, plateau and bay,
Is filled with those condemned.

Misty and black,
Amorphous and sooty
A shape they lack,
Indeed they're, the black beauty.

They lurk under the bellows,
Of hell and smother the men.
They've escaped from the gallows,
Unknown is how and when.

Alluded to the diabolic.
Eluded the mighty steer,
Of the humans in a click,
And this indeed shall posterity fear.

Didn't get the allusion?
Didn't catch the twist?
This is the infamous pollution,
The beautiful black mist.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

स्त्री - जीवन की सृजनकारी

अंग्रेजी में एक कहावत है जो कहता है कि हर सफ़ल पुरुष के पीछे कोई न कोई स्त्री का हाथ ज़रूर होता है। भगवान की अत्यंत खूबसूरत सृजन नारी है। फ़ूल की कलियों की तरह नारी नाज़ूक, भोली और अतिसूक्ष्म होती है। वह समाज की रंगभूमि में कई सारे पात्र, अत्यंत सफ़लतापूर्वक रूप से निभाती है, जैसे माता, बहन, पुत्री, सखी, भार्या आदि। नारी की पीड़ा हर एक मोड़ पर अलग होती है, किन्तु सब हसी - ख़ुशी सहकर जीवन के पथ पर राजगती से बढ़ती है। नौ मासों की वह पीड़ा जो एक माँ सहती है, उसका उल्लेख कदापि नहीं किया जा सकता। लेकिन उसके विपरीत, माँ को अपनी संतान की पालन - पोषण करना अत्यंत सुखद और सहज लगता है। इस स्थिति को वह कभी पीड़ा का नाम नही प्रदान करती। भारतवर्ष की पुण्यभूमि में तो स्त्रियों को इतना सम्मान दिया जाता है कि वे दुर्गा, नारायणी, सरस्वती आदि देवियों के रूप में पूजित हैं। लेकिन, शायद कलियुग की दुष्प्रभाव से नारी का सम्मान घटता जा रहा है। जो नारी अपने पुत्र की पोषण कठिनतम रूप से करती है, वही पुत्र सयानी होकर नारी का अपमान और बलातकार करे, तो उस माँ की पीड़ा अद्वितीय और असहनीय होगी। पुरुषों को कभी इस बात की आशंका तक नहीं आनी चाहिए कि स्त्रियाँ उनसे कम हैं, उनके बराबरी नही कर पाते। स्त्री को जब क्रोध आता है, तब उस क्रोध की ज्वालाग्नि सारे संसार को भस्म करने की शक्ति रखती है। आज के हर अख़बार में एक न एक बलातकार की ख़बर देश के किसी न किसी कोने में घटित मिलेगा। भगवान के इन नाज़ूक कलियों को अगर कम समझ के हानी पहुँचाने की प्रयत्न तक किया जाए तो उसी कली का काँटा चुबकर अत्यंत दर्द पहुँचाएगा।भारत देश की इस महान और अनोखी भूमि में क्या ऐसी घटनाएँ शोभा देती है? क्या भगवान की पुत्रियों का यह हाल न्यायपूर्ण है? भारत के लोगों को ऐसा कलंक कभी शोभा नहीं देता कि जिस भूमि को नारी का स्थान प्रदान कर के पूजा किया जाता है, उसी भूमि पर, नारी पर इतना ज़ुल्म और अत्याचार की पाप करना असह्य है। द्रौपदी को भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने मान हानि से वस्त्र प्रदान करके बचाया था। द्वापर युग में तो भगवान मनुष्य के सम्मुख उपस्थित थे। लेकिन कली युग में 'सभ्य' लोग भगवान को कहाँ ढूँड़े? शायद इसका उत्तर उनमें ही छिपा है। उनकी प्रतिक्रिया अगर दैवत्व से सुसर्जित होगा, तो महिला को मान हानि का भय कभी तंग नहीं करेगा।
कहाँ गया वह देश, जिस देश में नारी पूजनीय और अत्यंत सम्मानित हैं? कहाँ गए वे सभ्य लोग जिनमे सीता मय्या और भगवान श्री राम बसते हैं? कहाँ गया वह सभ्य समाज जो नारी का हर दम रक्षा करने के लिए तत्पर है?
यह सब हम भारतवासियों में ही है। बस, हमें इन गुणों को पहचान कर, उनको जागृत करना है। हमें समाज की कुरीतियों को ऐसे तोड़ देना चाहिए कि वह कभी जुड़कर हमारी ज़िंदगी को बर्बाद न कर पाए।
याद रहे कि हर व्यक्ति स्वभाव से सभ्य, सुशील और अच्छा ही होता है। जब कली का दुष्प्रभाव से लोगों के दिलों मे उपस्थित सूर्य के किरणें असभ्यता के घन मेघ को भेद नहीं कर पाते, तब अगर सभ्यता की वायू उन बादलों को अतिवेग से उड़ादे तो फ़िर से समाज में रामराज्य की पुनर्स्थापन होगी। हमारी गर्वी हिंदुस्तान को न कभी कोई कुरीति तोड़ पाई है, ना ही तोड़ पाएगी। भारत भूमि की सनातन सभ्यता पर पूरे विश्व को गर्व है। प्रत्येक भारतवासी का यह कर्तव्य है कि भारत की शीश कभी न झुकने दे। हमें विश्वास है कि जिस तरह धर्मग्रंथों में नारी का दैवीय उल्लेख किया हुआ है, उसी तरह सम्मान दिया जाएगा।  
भारत का शीश कभी नहीं झुकेगा। भारत का सर ऊँचा था, ऊँचा है और सदा सर्वदा ऊँचा रहेगा।
जय माता भारती!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

A Journey.

A human needs rest. That is the sole purpose of inviting "Nidra Devi", or in other words, sleeping. A sleep of hearty 8 hours gives one the pleasure of freshness, the pleasure of a new beginning everyday. But life is so long that we get fed up with the new beginning itself and hence, we search for an end. We search for something that gives us eternal pleasure and not just transient happiness. Some, because of their extreme intellectual capabilities and the quality to punctiliously observe the universe and infer the cause of it, understand it in a mere single birth. But the rest, who are extremely large in number, might either not understand it at all or visit this earth more than a thousand times to elucidate the mere idea. Yet, in this span of time, God incarnates on this ephemeral earth to distinguish between real and unreal for the well fare of the liberated souls. In this elite are those souls like Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanuja etc. But even these souls had to expound the knowledge before they attained the state of immortality. But for a Soul like Sri Ramana Maharshi, it was as though salvation was made for him. Neither the study of the Vedanta, nor a debate on Mimamsa gave light to this divine soul. The deep detachment to the world and the poignancy for the body liberated Him from the clutches of the world. A boy of the mere age of 15, if can attain Sannyasa without the help of Vedanta or a scholarly patriarch, then one can imagine the stretches of His mind. Venkataramana further transformed his soul to Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ramana the great sage. He attained nirvana in the holy city of Arunachalam, near Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu.

Indeed, this divine soul bestows divine radiance of knowledge and serenity upon all its seekers and believers. That is the sole reason why Arunachalam is so beautiful. Like the Himalayas, Arunachalam also has a bucolic appearance. The very speciality of this divine hill is that, rather than worshipping or regarding an idol or a stone as God, the hill itself is regarded to be Shiva himself or Arunachaleshwara. It has it's own charisma. The divine chirps of the peacocks seem as though they're yearning for Ramana Maharshi and lamenting upon his merging with eternity. An Ashrama adorned by Maharshi himself is situated on the top of the Arunachalam hill, famously known as Skanda Ashramam. The divine presence of Maharshi compensates for the sweltering heat. It indeed is a once in a life time experience.
An abode of peace, a place of austerity and a temple of love is the meditation hall. Bhagawan’s photo is kept on the cot He used to rest his body on. His presence is highlighted every second, everywhere in the Ashrama. Devotees, early in the morning, besmear the holy ash on their foreheads and head towards this hall. They sit and meditate for hours and hours together, beseeching His grace and striving towards eternal peace. It indeed gives a great pleasure to be in Bhagawan’s presence and concentrate on our life’s purpose – eternity.Bhagawan’s mortal body is under Mother Earth’s love and concern. His Samadhi is covered by a pedestal over which a Shiva Linga is installed. This Linga is worshipped everyday in the age old Vedic ways and traditions. Next to Bhagawan’s Samadhi is situated His Mother, MatruBhuteshwara’s Samadhi. Bhagawan bestowed salvation on His Mother and Her mortal remains are under a Shiva Linga, which too is worshipped on a daily basis.
Skanda Ashramam, the abode of peace. It is holy by the very fact that it adorns the Arunachalam hill and Arunachalam hill is holy because of the fact that in the pages of history, there is a whole chapter on Arunachalam in which divinity cruised all over the hill in a mortal body. The body indeed is ephemeral, but His presence is an ever-prevailing experience.
Peacocks, mynas, crows and langurs are so etiquette as though Maharshi himself has taught them the propriety of welcoming His devotees. The peacocks’ chirps in the early morning, the langurs passing across the visitors' paths, as though excited to see their beloved Guru's beloveds and the trees swaying gently, blowing the cold breeze, as though caressing the devotees' cheeks - such is Maharshi's grace.
The way to Skanda Ashramam though is filled with perils of the terrain; all the despise and stress is lost as soon as one finds himself in the presence of Ramana. People from seven seas across, come to Maharshi, yearning for His grace. The silence of the Ashram is filled with the sound of Maharshi's preachings. The emptiness is filled with Maharshi's exuberant thoughts. These thoughts are further exalted by us and we in turn exult. Such is the dazzling radiance of Skanda Ashramam.
"Arunachala Malai" is considered to be Lord Arunachala Himself. People circumambulate this Holy Mountain and walk for almost 14 kms. The Sadhus, with their clumsy yet tied tufts of hair praise Lord Shiva and bask in the sun, walking through their mental and physical journey. Their ash besmeared foreheads convey the message of their unfathomable devotion to Him. Devotees go even by car around the mountain and feel elated and contented, as though a great feat has been achieved. 
The Lord rests in the Arunachala temple, in the form of a Linga. The temple has 4 grand temple towers, each adorning a direction and 4 small temple towers, each portraying the then king's grandeur. "Chozha Nadu architecture", the architecture of the Cholas is extremely intricate and to understand its significance, one has to assiduously observe it. Excerpts from the Shiva and Vishnu Purana beautify the temple. It has in total 4 main idols of Sri Arunchaleshwara, Sri Parvati, Sri Ganapati and Sri Subrahmanya. Many other sub-idols are kept throughout the temple premises. The Gods savor the devotees' offerings as well as their infinite devotion.The Raja Gopuram is so tall and exquisite that to have a total glimpse of it, one has to walk at least quarter of a kilometer inside the temple. The Garbhagriha or the main worship place of the idol is lighted by the age old brass lamps. The divinity and grandeur of Arunachaleshwara Linga is so much that the huge queue is no match for the grace He bestows upon us. But yes, the glowing lamps inside suffocate the devotees. It's something to wonder how the priest stays alive inside for the whole day. Probably it's His grace, again. 
Subrahmanya has a great significance in Tamil Nadu. He is worshipped from the core of peoples' hearts. "Vel Murugan" is what one of His names is. His temple too is present amidst the great walls of Arunachala. If son has got such an importance, then one can guess the significance of His Mother. Parvati Devi, the beloved of Lord Shiva too has a separate temple but not with extreme separation from Her beloved. In the presence of Him, solitude can be observed amidst crowds.


Sri Rangam, the earthly abode of Lord Vishnu. The largest temple in India and the second temple having the largest temple tower or the Raja Gopuram is indeed a heavenly sight. People have a soft corner in their hearts for Him and He has a soft corner in His heart for Lakshmi Devi. Sri Rangam temple has such a huge temple tower, the Raja Gopuram, that one shall lean back and fall if he/she tries to take a peek of it's tip. It reaches the zenith of the sky. So does the grace of Rangamannar. An Ekadashi is special for Sri Vaishnavas. A Peratashi Shanivaram is extremely auspicious. The Lord has His devotees stand in thousands to peek a glimpse of His idol form, in which He alluringly sleeps with Bhoo Devi and Sri Devi at His service. The idol is alluded to Rangamannar Himself. He sleeps on Adi Shesha, a beautiful yet robust snake. Embellished with the ornaments of the Raja Vamsha or the royal jewels, he shines in the dim light of the oil lamps. He is oiled with sandalwood oil,  His face shining with the glory of the 3 worlds. His one limb, positioned near the ear to support his Eternal Sleep and his other limb, a refuge for the refugees with extreme benevolence and elation. He bestows His grace on his loved ones in such a way that they literally yearn to see Him in this form again. 

Thayar Sannidhi, or the abode of Lakshmi Devi, Sri Devi and Bhoo Devi are extremely mesmerizing and soothing to the eyes. Mother, craving to see her children bestows Her unfathomable love and blessings on Her children. Her beautiful eyes, with a reflection of Him in them; a smile on Her face, displaying how raptured She is to see Rangamannar and Her beautiful hands, filled with charisma and motherhood for her children in stress. Such is the divinity of VishnuPriya. She is called by infinite names, yet Her form is one; Her mercy for Her children is one. 
Chakrathalvar(aka Sudarshana Chakra) Sannidhi is another exceptional sub-temple in the temple premises. The discus weapon of Lord Vishnu is also worshipped and given equal importance as given to He Himself. 
Garudalvar, Lord Vishnu's mount also has a prominent space reserved in the temple. It indeed is obvious that he occupies an aristocratic status in each and every ritual performed in Sri Rangam. He carries the Creator effortlessly with a glee on His face. He indeed is honorable. Almost a 3-story high idol of Him is worshipped everyday. Garuda Sthamba, or the mighty pillar depicting Garuda, is always worshipped at the beginning of the daily rituals. The royal treatment offered to the deities is just awe-striking.

Ramana Maharshi’s blessings, Rangamannar’s royal descend to the Earth as well as the serenity observed in these heavens is unforgettable and shall be cherished in the next 7 births. Especially Bhagawan’s grace is immeasurable like the ocean’s expanse. Expounder of knowledge, Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi till date communicates with His devotees through his esoteric eyes, His mellifluous voice and His infinite intellectual capacity. Hail Him!

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Ahoy! The Dreaming Pirate!

Pleasure it gives me!
I am the Captain of Blue Sea!
Singing the old Irish odes,
I sail the seas with secret crew codes.
Rum in one hand, whiskey in another,
I sail the ship, in the cold, harsh weather.
Edward the King, has ordered my slay,
But O ye Gods! Poor he is in dismay!
Ha!Ha! I lurk the seas, and oceans,
I shall slay you, with no commotions.
My crew is of great wit,
They slaughter their enemies; their heads split.
My Blue Sea is such a wonder, 
And I can see, the dazzling gold, yonder!
The old Irish ballads are my love and soul,
They describe me, laud me as a whole!
I am a pirate, My name is Barbasso Leavin,
I'm a hound and shall rip the scoundrel's skin.
Treasure is my beauty, money is my fate,
I is hungry for treasure, can slaughter even my mate.
Ahoy! I can see land, my fortune has struck,
I not allow to capture my treasure by any schmuck.
Aye Aye Gods! Ye has blessed I,
I shall reach for the heavens and skies.
I's ship has been anchored, I shall find it,
Wherever it hides, in any corner or slit.
Aha! I see smoke, belching there,
It's the EIC, beware!
I shall not let them, take I's treasure,
I shall stab them all, with great pleasure.
Gold shall be mine, diamonds on my head,
I dreamt about this, all day in I's bed!
Now is the time, oh you parrot!
Go and blight them, reward you shall get.
They've shot my parrot, never mind,
I'll kill them all, pop their eyes out, make them blind.
I lurk in my shadows, I see their huts,
Let me bestow fortune upon them with sharp cuts.
They shall see heaven soon,
And I's smile shall be like the crescent moon.
Treasure shall be mine,
And they shall die, those swines!
I dram some rum, tie my pistols,
Their hearts shall be punctured, with big holes.
I charge at them, in full zeal,
They shall be salved souls, they shall be my meal!
Aye! I shoot the rascals off my way,
This is much easy, like a child's play!
My pistol is empty, I slay with my sword,
That's my gold, they shall never hoard!
Pity those warriors, senseless fools!
Died all but with so much mewls!
Laud Him! I've found my gold,
I've found that dazzling diamond; I behold!
My crew is applauding my valor and strong will,
They're all allured by my enchanting skill!
They carried me upon their shoulder,
And suddenly I dropped down like a boulder!
I fell off my bed!
I fiercely bumped my head!
What happened to my gold I could see,
Hey! That was a dream! This cannot be!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Tale of Love

Stripping the black cloud,
He boisterously caresses the land,
His sound is heard all aloud,
As though he is a rock band.
Lightning releases him from his prison,
And redeems him from the Gods,
He slowly beckons the sun that has risen,
To form a rainbow, shaped like gourds.
He is searching for his beloved.
Yearning for her presence.
He blushes his plump cheeks, all gone red,
And nostalgic about love that is immense.
He finds her down his way,
She accepts him with her suspirations,
They curse the time that had to slay,
Their happy minds and elations.
There is a twist in the tale,
Both love the latter more than their lives,
But there is something that prevails,
The unending, silent strives.
He loves her yet treats her in contempt,
He wants her and drops down from the heavens,
He is free and enjoying his exempt,
His strong body hitting her with force, odiously immense.
Yet the aftermath is cherishable,
She has found her long lost beloved,
She at last has found true love, forever imperishable.
She too blushes with her cheeks, all gone red.
She sees her soul,
Hugs him as he plummets down to earth
With her pounding heart and achieves her ultimate goal,
And rejoices, as though recieved a new birth.
This is the story of the raptured, rowdy rain,
And the euphoric, embellished nature.
Both love each other, both insane.
Both are fancy characters, just like in literature.
Their love is eternal,
Their love is productive,
They're to us extremely fraternal,
They're beauty is indeed protective.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

A Divine Message

Rise to power, Oh the children of Might
Don't retreat and ignore this sight.
If you don't do it, your sisters, mothers will perish,
Don't let those hounds and brutes, to them relish!
I shall surely come when you beseech me,
I shall surely be with you to vanquish their envy
For those who're of my stature,
And I shall be with you when them you capture.
Protect My pearls, My gifts to you,
Be the real citizens, citizens who're true.
I've made them to keep life sustaining, 
But every bit of their life is paining.
They're the second creators,
But yet they're never the predators.
They possess My qualities,
And they're My entities.
You men have to protect them,
You have to protect My Valuable Gem.
If they run out of their shine,
I shall never return to My shrine.
I shall never set foot on this Earth,
I shall never again incarnate and take a birth.
You can lead your society,
And brag about your superiority.
I can bare this to an extent,
But never cross the limits, you shall yearningly repent!
How dare you molest My cherished children?
How dare you lust for My daughters' skin?
Beware! They can burn you with their anger,
And they'll not tolerate your brutality any longer!
Beware! I am their protector, they reside in Me,
And dare touch them, the consequences you'll see!

Friday, 25 July 2014


I wonder, how they lived, the great souls,
How hard and dazzling were their goals.
I wonder what were their foundation poles,
I wonder what urged them to play such roles.

The skies gaze down to see,
What we have turned to be.
We have touched the zenith and gee,
We have clutched success' key.

I am impressed to see the intrinsic talents of the elite,
Such ingenious poets, such eloquent scripts, crisp and neat.
Such dazzling beauty, and we have achieved THE feat.
They all allure me, with talents that could fill a lavished suite.

Creative writing, Poetry reciting, all are so exciting,
I am struck with epiphanies, sometimes enlightening
I don't know what to say for the punctilious sighting
Of mine, of the great souls, their beautiful style of writing.

I am left with nothing but to allude God,
Imagining his unfathomable creation, I sometimes am awed.
Baffled and stupefied, scared but joyed, naively I nod.
I am afraid of those hidden talents, I am afraid of those facades.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Mosquitoes the Menace

Sitting in my bedroom, studying for the test,
And for the mosquitoes, have the opportunity, the best!
Lurking beneath my shadow, waiting for me to involve
In studies or head - breaking problems to solve.
When I am into it,
On my body they sneak and sit.
Their proboscis slowly piercing my skin,
On either my hand, ankle or my shin.
Clever them, they are not at all seen,
They're the cruel blood suckers, how mean!
They feed on me continuously till I am done,
And when I feel the itch, I can find none.
They all vanish into thin air, 
But I wonder, how my blood's weight they bare...
I have no objection for them to suck blood,
I have no objection to fill their stomachs with this huge flood.
I object to the fact the itching they create,
Though aware that ruthless death is their ultimate fate.
I don't know if you've observed this, 
You kill one, you get a sadistic pleasure and a cunning bliss.
But yes, we are part of their food chain,
No matter what, they cannot refrain, 
From sucking our blood their only food,
And yes, I think it's true that everything happens for good.
They need food to survive, 
And they need to suck blood for their energy to revive.
Such minute creatures, such a menace they create,
Pestered our ancestors, pester us till date. 

Monday, 30 June 2014

Random Night

The night beckons the moon to rise.
The night provokes the Sun, to end up in a surprise.
The night blushes with it's dark cheeks;
And with it's gleaming spots,
And a bright dazzling dot,
The night proclaimingly speaks. 
The night speaks of the past histories
The night speaks of the perilous mysteries.
The night is the sketch pad of the world.
It has sketches of the heavens, galaxies whorled.
I'm impressed by it's expanse,
I'm impressed when I merely take a glance,
At this Black Beauty, a wonder by itself!
But to know it's real beauty, one has to delve.
One has to probe into it to find out it's allure
One has to study the old lore.
The night is fascinating.
It becomes an imperial roof for a couple dating.
It becomes a shelter for a renounced sage.
It goes on aging as we age.
And finally destruction hits,
And tears this beauty into bits and bits.
Hail the night sky!
Hail the cause of my deep sigh!
Let night see the light.
Let night have a new sight.
Let night be the scion of brightness.
Let night beseech radiance,
And let night be the dazzling wisdom, from hence.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Grandeur of Gloom

A king losing his beloved queen,
Vanquished by the ever mighty death!
We've all through this been,
And Oh The Lord of Nazareth!
It is the ever eternal gloom!

Love and despise travel together,
In the sea of life; a mysterious tour
Storm of sadness making hopeless the weather,
We are to suffer for sure!
Hail the eternal woe, one with no cure!

Attachements to the ephemeral,
Delusions of the universe,
These cause a great a deal of peril,
And oh the odious curse!
Of grief, which in life, lurks!

Divulging the secrets of woe,
Directing the mind to think,
About what next to do,
When one is about to sink,
In the ocean of gloom, flowing till the brink.

Live life with love and then see the effects,
They momentarily perish pain,
And then see, in, what sets,
Craziness, hysteria and you turn insane!
Who glorified that grief is a bane?

From Romeo and Juliet to today's youth, 
Love birds part and sorrow sets in, 
This my friends, is the eternal truth,
This perhaps is repenting for a committed sin,
Truly gloom does not show any ruth!

But gloom-less life is tasteless
What for to work hard to attain bliss?
If life is simple, then just guess,
What will happen to this
World, which perhaps I cannot profess.


Monday, 23 June 2014

Cherry Nose

My nose is flowing,
I am totally sick,
The bacterias are growing, 
In the sputum, very thick!

I don't know how I caught it,
Who passed it and why,
I know that I don't like it a bit,
It just makes me despisingly to sigh.

My nose is red, mouth is sour,
I feel dead, struck by affliction.
Pain is increasing hour by hour,
And Crocin has turned an addiction.

Thinking about the time,
When I was sick and about to die,
Life at that time was prime,
And the medication, really high.

"Oh cut it!" I say to myself in contempt,
I should be thinking positive.
I should be thinking about the dreams I dreamt.
I should be thinking how to live

Oh, but I possess an affinity,
Towards death and it's beauty,
Life I always pity,
And I float in it's odious sea.

"Oblivion is awesome",
One has to ponder over this.
One has to be numb,
Towards life to enjoy bliss.

Life indeed is great, 
But still I am afflicted with cold,
This is my current fate,
Perplexed with which doctor I should get hold.

Friday, 13 June 2014


A torture it is, without it.
No refreshment, not even a bit.
It's the wondrous gateway to another world,
A world that is pearled,
With alluring beauty; to be explicit.

My eyes, all tired, waiting for it to come,
But it keeps them yearning, being sometimes loathsome.
Frabjously at last, it leaps in,
To take me in a journey, away from my kith and kin,
To enthrall me and with goosebumps on my skin.

Gently stroking my eyes, we take-off,
To a destination nowhere, only which God knows of.
I enjoy the journey, cruising through the unreal, 
Forgetting everything, making everything surreal.
Having a time, gleaming like the pearl!

We land on the stars of dreams,
And the clouds caressing my cheeks as it seems.
The skies open to the vast heavens,
The sun they cause hindrance!
The universe fearing the oblivion.

My eyes open to see the world,
I realize that into dreams I was hurled.
Gaining the odious consciousness of yearning
Those stars which were just pretending,
Their existence and I, longing for them, deeply burning!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Euphoric Event at the Rashtrapati Bhavan

It was such a beautiful and euphoric day today. The mild and soft sunlight, basking Delhi and the Rashtrapati Bhavan, glorifying it's past times and the elating future that is much awaited. What a royal day it was indeed! The arrival of international dignitaries enhanced the mood of the boisterous public. Hamid Karzai, Mahinda Rajapaksa and Tshering Togbay were those dignitaries who arrived in their traditional costumes and this created a sense of dignity and royalty in the hysteric assemblage of the people of India. The largest democracy of the world saw it's largest Prime Ministerial Oath taking Ceremony which was really splendid and bubbling with propriety. A solemn occasion for a country like India, to relish it's 67th year of freedom as well as the election of such a Prime Minister whose actions and behavior can be compared to that of a royal lion. If just by Narendra Modi's arrival in the government has made the sensex rise, then one can imagine the ebullient time India will enjoy in the very near future. 
The Rashtrapati Bhavan was booming with people, joy as well as the memories from memory lane. The religious leaders' presence, bestowed blessings upon the BJP and the citizens of India to make our India lead with grandeur principles and sumptuous culture. The dias had been decorated with the President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. Though I might be ludicrous in pin-pointing the meticulous details instead of the grand ones, I feel I must do it for the pride of India. If one observed assiduously, then one would notice the lavish furniture of the government. The chair of the President was so very exquisite and was made with the intricate cultural designs that it just highlighted the beauty and magnificence of the country. The Ashoka Chakra and the 4 lions uphold the dignity and aggressiveness as well as peace and serenity of the country, make India very unique. This day shall be written in the book of Time with gleaming golden letters praising India and it's immense capability.
Narendra Modi, as usual, roared like a lion. He assured the people not with his speech, but with his eyes, showing the real truthfulness and the want for the country's development and the country to flourish. He is not only physically robust, but mentally intellectual and the most wanted, patriotic in thoughts. 
A person like myself, who hated this country because of the uncontrollable corruption and the no-value-for-life principle was so impressed by the stupendous organization of the events and the patriotism in the Prime Minister's eyes at least, gave up the hate for this country. I am awaiting the near future, where Indians shall make spacecrafts, where Indians shall be at the top of the world. I am waiting for that time where the citizens of India shall be seen as the paradigm of God. I am waiting for that time when our country shall soar high up in the skies, with it's head high, setting an example for the others.
I am waiting for my India.... 

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Mera Desh!

The footprints of He Himself shaped It's soil.
It is that Entity, to it's refugees very loyal.
An Entity unmatched by any,
Though It's competitors are many.
Yes! It's my Desh; It is my beautiful India!

The mighty, bucolic Himalayas guarding the north!
The wavy waters, lurching the coasts, back and forth!
The beautiful west, the sweltering deserts!
The ecstatic Ganges, the soft corner in people's hearts!
Yes! It's my Desh; It is my beautiful India!

The many millenniums old culture,
With the ever awaited., more-blissful future.
The country with antiquity and modern propriety.
The ever enchanting, the euphoric society.
Yes! It's my Desh; It is my beautiful India!

A country with a history, extremely old!
A country with people's hearts, dazzling like gold!
People of that brilliant stature,
With such excelling etiquette behavior.
Yes! It's my Desh; It is my beautiful India!

The rivers that are worshiped as Deities!
The mighty mountains seen as the refuge for the Holy Cities!
The gorgeous ghats, embellished with rain;
Those that're sumptuous and possess a grandeur terrain!
Yes! It's my Desh; It is my beautiful India!

How lucky are we, to be born here!
It's likely because we're His dear.
The land of everlasting joy, never-fading flowers,
Of serenity and austerity and This is totally ours!
Yes! It's my Desh; It is my beautiful India!

Monday, 19 May 2014


Nobody likes it, except those who renounce,
Everything and opt the life of penance...
People fear from it,
It can come anytime, while you stand or sit!
It's name is the blissful Death!

Are you scared of this?
You don't have to be, please!
It's not cruel like life; relieves you of your pains, 
People say you're dead when there are no beats in your veins.
It's name is none other than Death!

People spend their whole life fearing,
For it and God knows where this'll take'em steering,
Into the event horizon of death,
Or the immediate and permanent loss of breath.
It's infamously known as Death.

But why should one be dreaded,
When one is aware that in life, is death embedded!
It's a momentary pain-inducing exempt,
From the clutches of life and it's attempt,
To slaughter you into a thread!

It's just a 5 letter word,
Relieves you from life, yet not absurd!
It's not mere philosophy,
At least for me.
Life is eternal anxiety,
Death is eternal piety.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Poetry is No Joke....

I am out of words, I can't write more!
I used to write, when my thoughts used to soar,
Up till the heavens, with a majestic rise,
Oh! That's all I needed, that was my prize!
But now! I don't know why,
When I start a poem, it just makes me sigh.
I laugh at myself, ridiculing my mind.
Oh indeed! My thoughts nowadays never bind, 
With the beautiful words, grammar being the thread,
To my creativity, which once just bled!
No matter what, the outcome was always satisfying.
But now! To write poems, I am just dying,
Begging Him to give me a thought,
So that I can write something I sought!
It's so silly, asking someone to help me write!
Probably my patience has reached it's greatest height! 
Or probably, it's just not my cup of tea!
Probably my destiny is not what I want to be!
Oh! Waste of time indeed it is!
I am no poet, I am not a wiz!
Ha! But my desire won over my fate!
Because I am still writing, till date!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

On The Occasion of the Divine Shankara Jayanti.....

O Adi Shankara, expounder of the Vedic ocean of knowledge,
Bless me O Thou!
I shalt be thine disciple, I pledge.
To dart out of this illusion without thee, I don't know how! 

Thy blessings, bestow upon me!
Oh Acharya! Thou is my only will!
Please come here at once, wherever Thou may be!
Oh Shankara! Free me from this world, a peril!

Thou is extremely compassionate,
Thus I behold Thine words of wisdom.
Bless me my Guru, the scion of the wise,a Vedic passionate!
Thou bless me, to attain eternal freedom.

Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada is your divine name!
Thou is the only Guru having 'Ādi' as a prefix.
Thine works are extravagantly of fame!
Oh Guru! Build my mind with divinity's bricks!

'Bhaja Govindam' is what Thou said for a patriarch Grammarian!
The essence of the Universal Truth, Thou conveyed in a mere phrase!
Oh the enlightened one! Save me before I turn a barbarian!
Save me before I forget Thou! Hasten to embrace!

Oh the expounder of Advaita! Thou is my only guidance!
Let the gleaming light of Thine knowledge lighten the dark room of the mind!
I am a faithful student, a student full of diligence!
Enlighten me with Self Truth, Oh the very kind!

Bestow Thine blessings on this soul!
Make me a staunch student of Thee!
Oh Acharya! Let achieving Him be my life's ultimate goal!
Oh Shankara! Save me from this Maya, a filthy sea!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Humble Request....

Oh Lord of the Heavens! Art Thee so very ruthless?
Thine children art suffering and Thee is helpless?
I beseech Thou to put thine feet on this Earth!
Help thy children! Thee take a new birth!
How long do Thee want your children to be molested?
Show ruth oh the Scion of the Ultimate!
People are howling like brutal beasts, what is such fate?

Thy glory is sang with utmost devotion, timelessly,
With eternal pleasure, vocal chords stretching tirelessly!
Can't thy be fruitful to thine girls?
They art filled with divine beauty, as bright as the pearls.
Why art they suffering because of thy sons?
Thine daughter gets molested, fearfully she runs,
From the mortal brutes, who are cruel to the core!

Can't thy help at least?
Can't thy save those precious pearls from the beasts?
Isn't it thine duty to take care,
Thine own creation and the consequences to bare?
Oh Lord! I beg you to stop this barbaric blighting of lives!
Unaristocratic and inetiquette, such pathetic jives!
Oh the Supreme! Guide mankind with thine divine light!

I am fed up, reading the newspapers, filled with absurdity!
People are turning into ginks, lacking propriety!
Is this pleasure greater than thine eternal one?
I am speechless, I am done,
Thinking about this matter, lamenting about the insanity!
Oh Lord! Empower me to save my own sisters! Oh the Supreme Deity!
The flower of your creation is slowly withering, deprived of Goodness!

Thou alone can do something, Thee art the greatest!
People like me have done everything, tried their level best!
But Oh ye Gods! We have failed!
Words can no longer do a thing, that ship has already sailed!
My Lord! Save thine pearls from the deep depression of atrocity!
Save them from the wild beasts and their coward ferocity!
Bring a change, my Lord! Save thine blooming buds from fading away!

If thine doesn't do anything, 
We will lose a priceless something!
Those bright pearls will no longer shine!
Their existence will slowly decline! 
Oh dear God! It's odious to do such a deed!
We require thine shelter! Only thou we heed!
Save thine own pearls from being eternally covered in dark bliss!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Mera Bharat Mahaan!

A kid was she, a beautiful smile she had,
With a soft heart, a clean mind and innocence.
Never did they know, something'll happen this bad!
Never did they know, what would happen to her and whence!

One dark day it was, at 9 in the night.
Brutality and insanity were at their brink that day!
That girl suffered, put into such a hopeless plight!
Those hounds were predators, and this girl a mere prey!

She was missing for 5 days and her body was alas found!
Her clothes torn, her nails brutally cut!
That place was really haunting, blood spilt all over the ground!
She closed her eyes even before she could realize what situation she was put!

Her parents cried, in deep woe and their everything lost!
They thought some how if they could've saved their daughter....
Curse this world, curse this country, curse those ruthless beasts, mere waste!
No police assistance, no records and no blotter!

Where did that country go, a country with the best culture?
Where did those people go, exalted as having quality's of Him?
What happened to this country's so-much-bragged-about stature?
What happened to goodness, filled till the brim?

Till when shall we stay introverts?
Till when shall we compromise with our imbecile government?
My God! My heart pains! It really hurts!
We cannot stay quite anymore, we cannot just lament!

We need a change, it is our right to demand.
We require a government of truth, paradigm of divinity.
We need government, going with us, hand in hand.
We need a government, behaving with the utmost propriety...

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Envisioning the Deep Past....

It's all a matter of time... It's all a matter of when secrets are divulged.... That's the time when one'll go crazy wondering about what one could've existed as before, in his previous birth... The conundrum of not knowing the whole truth, but remembering a few bits of it can make you go wild. It's so exasperating when you get this weird feeling, when you visit a place for the first time and then you feel as though you know each and every corner of it! In sophisticated English, rather simple French, it's known as a Déjà vu. The world is so round that your previous birth rendezvouses with your current birth and both of them decide to blight your life, hurling you into deep thought processes. God and his flamboyant actions(sarcasm)! 
From the past few months,a friend of mine has been having a kind of  Déjà vu, if I may call it so. It's just that whenever he sees a picture (I wouldn't mention which), he feels this weird gushing of blood through his nerves, his eyes turn numb and he ponders deeply over God-knows-what thoughts! Somebody has to judder him and then and only does he come out of his fictitious world! 
One fine day, he grasped my hand so tightly that I gasped due to the shock and the pain. Again, the glimpse of that place's picture made him do it. This thing continued quite a bit of time. I went to the Net, rummaged it for every bit of useful information I could find. I was so enthralled by the factual knowledge of Déjà vu that I found it mystic. Though my friend was pretty agnostic about His existence, this experience, every time made him realize that he did have a previous birth. He was governed by somebody greater than him who decided every inch of a movement of his mind and body. But yes he loved recalling that mysterious past of his. I could sense that pleasure in his dark eye balls, the thin blood vessels going red in his sclera. His cheeks having a slight smile and his face tilted to one side, staring punctiliously at the image. One can imagine what would happen to him if he ever got a chance to actually visit that place! He always used to watch a clip on YouTube, in which a picture would appear and then kaboom! He would stare at it, lost somewhere! It was so thought provoking to me that I, was really interested in finding out the real truth, unravelling the secrets of his life. Slowly, he started losing that attitude towards that place. He became more serious while he looked at it and logically analyzed the situation. He turned more and more skeptic and irrational, in the positive way. I would always advice him not to look at that image oftenly and tickle his mind. It was like a kind of addiction to him, to go to the Net and stare at that picture. I was really surprised. I could not believe it was happening with a person I knew so well. I could not believe it was happening with me....

Friday, 4 April 2014

Life! God knows what it is.....

Life is an unstable ferry yet is undulating. It's so very amazing just imaging and imagining the phases of life, though they are highly perplexing. Each and every person has his/her own problems and occasions to feel joy and contentment. Yet, I think, life is so very abstract. In just moments, things change. It's just elating thinking about what life puts in front of us! One finds it really confusing when one sees it with the eyes of philosophy. Okay, let me keep it straight. Philosophy states life to be unreal. Indeed, it's tough to comprehend this. Life is like a story and different people have different roles to play in it. Each and every player has his/her own time limit. Then, they just vanish, either leaving behind deep scars or relieving the person of pain.
Wow! That's just brilliant! I mean, can you really think of life as a whole thing? You can never imagine it because you don't even know what the next second awaits you! The sofa you're sitting on can just collapse, banging your head against the wall or the floor and then alas, you're not there! Or while you're walking, you can just slip and fall and a bus can run over you! At your life's end, at your funeral, people will only be talking about the unreasonable and that poignant passing of the time of your death. "That is really astonishing! He was walking on the pavement, tripped and fell and a bus ran over him! Oh Lord! Bless him!", this is what people say at your funeral. It's really confusing, if you go into the depth of life, if you pester and persuade yourself, to ask yourself, "What is the purpose of life?". I am sure, even an atheist will not deny the fact that there is a Supreme Entity, at least something that is greater than everybody, something that is omnipresent. 

So life can be defined as a mixture of feelings. Feelings are something that cannot be explained truly, but can only be thought of. Especially, the feeling of love!

Life is something one has to enjoy! Sometimes, piousness makes you restrain yourself from the wild aspects of life, but I think, those restrains are pretty reasonable. One has to be in the limits of enjoyment and always be sobered up by the spiritual bliss of life. The potentially lethal alcohol of life has to be subsided by righteousness, piousness and spirituality's antidote. I might be sounding a bit crazy, but I surely am telling the truth!

Beseech goodness to stay with you and you shall not require philosophy for sure!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


We are humans, highest in evolution,
Do not fear from predators, nor hide away in seclusion.
We have the 5 senses working at the brink,
Of transforming into vulgarity, giving birth to a total gink.
Humanity is a boon, save it oh mankind!

Friends are made in minutes, 
Thoughtless of whether they thrive beyond limits,
Of life and whether they're naïve,
Later it stings, like clutching firmly a bee hive.
Humanity is a boon, use it oh mankind!

Respect and love need to be derived, 
From the equations of life, not to be intellectually deprived,
In making decisions with the latter,
And not letting your character shatter.
Humanity is a boon, protect it oh mankind!

The world is ephemeral,
Thus, humans should live life not like a feral.
Do not get deluded by the looks,
Remember always, life's best friends are always crooks.
Humanity is a boon, relish it oh mankind!

Do not get illuded by friendship, 
Remember that life is a wet floor, and you can anytime slip,
Get heaved into pathetic, flagrant deeds,
They shall take you no where, and you, God shall never heed!
Humanity is a paradigm of God, exalt it oh mankind!

Only good deeds shall help you in the end,
Only these shall help you to defend,
Yourself against grief and being rueful.
Therefore, be always thoughtful.
Humanity is God, let you be it's temple oh mankind!