Saturday, 12 April 2014

Envisioning the Deep Past....

It's all a matter of time... It's all a matter of when secrets are divulged.... That's the time when one'll go crazy wondering about what one could've existed as before, in his previous birth... The conundrum of not knowing the whole truth, but remembering a few bits of it can make you go wild. It's so exasperating when you get this weird feeling, when you visit a place for the first time and then you feel as though you know each and every corner of it! In sophisticated English, rather simple French, it's known as a Déjà vu. The world is so round that your previous birth rendezvouses with your current birth and both of them decide to blight your life, hurling you into deep thought processes. God and his flamboyant actions(sarcasm)! 
From the past few months,a friend of mine has been having a kind of  Déjà vu, if I may call it so. It's just that whenever he sees a picture (I wouldn't mention which), he feels this weird gushing of blood through his nerves, his eyes turn numb and he ponders deeply over God-knows-what thoughts! Somebody has to judder him and then and only does he come out of his fictitious world! 
One fine day, he grasped my hand so tightly that I gasped due to the shock and the pain. Again, the glimpse of that place's picture made him do it. This thing continued quite a bit of time. I went to the Net, rummaged it for every bit of useful information I could find. I was so enthralled by the factual knowledge of Déjà vu that I found it mystic. Though my friend was pretty agnostic about His existence, this experience, every time made him realize that he did have a previous birth. He was governed by somebody greater than him who decided every inch of a movement of his mind and body. But yes he loved recalling that mysterious past of his. I could sense that pleasure in his dark eye balls, the thin blood vessels going red in his sclera. His cheeks having a slight smile and his face tilted to one side, staring punctiliously at the image. One can imagine what would happen to him if he ever got a chance to actually visit that place! He always used to watch a clip on YouTube, in which a picture would appear and then kaboom! He would stare at it, lost somewhere! It was so thought provoking to me that I, was really interested in finding out the real truth, unravelling the secrets of his life. Slowly, he started losing that attitude towards that place. He became more serious while he looked at it and logically analyzed the situation. He turned more and more skeptic and irrational, in the positive way. I would always advice him not to look at that image oftenly and tickle his mind. It was like a kind of addiction to him, to go to the Net and stare at that picture. I was really surprised. I could not believe it was happening with a person I knew so well. I could not believe it was happening with me....

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