Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Humble Request....

Oh Lord of the Heavens! Art Thee so very ruthless?
Thine children art suffering and Thee is helpless?
I beseech Thou to put thine feet on this Earth!
Help thy children! Thee take a new birth!
How long do Thee want your children to be molested?
Show ruth oh the Scion of the Ultimate!
People are howling like brutal beasts, what is such fate?

Thy glory is sang with utmost devotion, timelessly,
With eternal pleasure, vocal chords stretching tirelessly!
Can't thy be fruitful to thine girls?
They art filled with divine beauty, as bright as the pearls.
Why art they suffering because of thy sons?
Thine daughter gets molested, fearfully she runs,
From the mortal brutes, who are cruel to the core!

Can't thy help at least?
Can't thy save those precious pearls from the beasts?
Isn't it thine duty to take care,
Thine own creation and the consequences to bare?
Oh Lord! I beg you to stop this barbaric blighting of lives!
Unaristocratic and inetiquette, such pathetic jives!
Oh the Supreme! Guide mankind with thine divine light!

I am fed up, reading the newspapers, filled with absurdity!
People are turning into ginks, lacking propriety!
Is this pleasure greater than thine eternal one?
I am speechless, I am done,
Thinking about this matter, lamenting about the insanity!
Oh Lord! Empower me to save my own sisters! Oh the Supreme Deity!
The flower of your creation is slowly withering, deprived of Goodness!

Thou alone can do something, Thee art the greatest!
People like me have done everything, tried their level best!
But Oh ye Gods! We have failed!
Words can no longer do a thing, that ship has already sailed!
My Lord! Save thine pearls from the deep depression of atrocity!
Save them from the wild beasts and their coward ferocity!
Bring a change, my Lord! Save thine blooming buds from fading away!

If thine doesn't do anything, 
We will lose a priceless something!
Those bright pearls will no longer shine!
Their existence will slowly decline! 
Oh dear God! It's odious to do such a deed!
We require thine shelter! Only thou we heed!
Save thine own pearls from being eternally covered in dark bliss!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Mera Bharat Mahaan!

A kid was she, a beautiful smile she had,
With a soft heart, a clean mind and innocence.
Never did they know, something'll happen this bad!
Never did they know, what would happen to her and whence!

One dark day it was, at 9 in the night.
Brutality and insanity were at their brink that day!
That girl suffered, put into such a hopeless plight!
Those hounds were predators, and this girl a mere prey!

She was missing for 5 days and her body was alas found!
Her clothes torn, her nails brutally cut!
That place was really haunting, blood spilt all over the ground!
She closed her eyes even before she could realize what situation she was put!

Her parents cried, in deep woe and their everything lost!
They thought some how if they could've saved their daughter....
Curse this world, curse this country, curse those ruthless beasts, mere waste!
No police assistance, no records and no blotter!

Where did that country go, a country with the best culture?
Where did those people go, exalted as having quality's of Him?
What happened to this country's so-much-bragged-about stature?
What happened to goodness, filled till the brim?

Till when shall we stay introverts?
Till when shall we compromise with our imbecile government?
My God! My heart pains! It really hurts!
We cannot stay quite anymore, we cannot just lament!

We need a change, it is our right to demand.
We require a government of truth, paradigm of divinity.
We need government, going with us, hand in hand.
We need a government, behaving with the utmost propriety...

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Envisioning the Deep Past....

It's all a matter of time... It's all a matter of when secrets are divulged.... That's the time when one'll go crazy wondering about what one could've existed as before, in his previous birth... The conundrum of not knowing the whole truth, but remembering a few bits of it can make you go wild. It's so exasperating when you get this weird feeling, when you visit a place for the first time and then you feel as though you know each and every corner of it! In sophisticated English, rather simple French, it's known as a Déjà vu. The world is so round that your previous birth rendezvouses with your current birth and both of them decide to blight your life, hurling you into deep thought processes. God and his flamboyant actions(sarcasm)! 
From the past few months,a friend of mine has been having a kind of  Déjà vu, if I may call it so. It's just that whenever he sees a picture (I wouldn't mention which), he feels this weird gushing of blood through his nerves, his eyes turn numb and he ponders deeply over God-knows-what thoughts! Somebody has to judder him and then and only does he come out of his fictitious world! 
One fine day, he grasped my hand so tightly that I gasped due to the shock and the pain. Again, the glimpse of that place's picture made him do it. This thing continued quite a bit of time. I went to the Net, rummaged it for every bit of useful information I could find. I was so enthralled by the factual knowledge of Déjà vu that I found it mystic. Though my friend was pretty agnostic about His existence, this experience, every time made him realize that he did have a previous birth. He was governed by somebody greater than him who decided every inch of a movement of his mind and body. But yes he loved recalling that mysterious past of his. I could sense that pleasure in his dark eye balls, the thin blood vessels going red in his sclera. His cheeks having a slight smile and his face tilted to one side, staring punctiliously at the image. One can imagine what would happen to him if he ever got a chance to actually visit that place! He always used to watch a clip on YouTube, in which a picture would appear and then kaboom! He would stare at it, lost somewhere! It was so thought provoking to me that I, was really interested in finding out the real truth, unravelling the secrets of his life. Slowly, he started losing that attitude towards that place. He became more serious while he looked at it and logically analyzed the situation. He turned more and more skeptic and irrational, in the positive way. I would always advice him not to look at that image oftenly and tickle his mind. It was like a kind of addiction to him, to go to the Net and stare at that picture. I was really surprised. I could not believe it was happening with a person I knew so well. I could not believe it was happening with me....

Friday, 4 April 2014

Life! God knows what it is.....

Life is an unstable ferry yet is undulating. It's so very amazing just imaging and imagining the phases of life, though they are highly perplexing. Each and every person has his/her own problems and occasions to feel joy and contentment. Yet, I think, life is so very abstract. In just moments, things change. It's just elating thinking about what life puts in front of us! One finds it really confusing when one sees it with the eyes of philosophy. Okay, let me keep it straight. Philosophy states life to be unreal. Indeed, it's tough to comprehend this. Life is like a story and different people have different roles to play in it. Each and every player has his/her own time limit. Then, they just vanish, either leaving behind deep scars or relieving the person of pain.
Wow! That's just brilliant! I mean, can you really think of life as a whole thing? You can never imagine it because you don't even know what the next second awaits you! The sofa you're sitting on can just collapse, banging your head against the wall or the floor and then alas, you're not there! Or while you're walking, you can just slip and fall and a bus can run over you! At your life's end, at your funeral, people will only be talking about the unreasonable and that poignant passing of the time of your death. "That is really astonishing! He was walking on the pavement, tripped and fell and a bus ran over him! Oh Lord! Bless him!", this is what people say at your funeral. It's really confusing, if you go into the depth of life, if you pester and persuade yourself, to ask yourself, "What is the purpose of life?". I am sure, even an atheist will not deny the fact that there is a Supreme Entity, at least something that is greater than everybody, something that is omnipresent. 

So life can be defined as a mixture of feelings. Feelings are something that cannot be explained truly, but can only be thought of. Especially, the feeling of love!

Life is something one has to enjoy! Sometimes, piousness makes you restrain yourself from the wild aspects of life, but I think, those restrains are pretty reasonable. One has to be in the limits of enjoyment and always be sobered up by the spiritual bliss of life. The potentially lethal alcohol of life has to be subsided by righteousness, piousness and spirituality's antidote. I might be sounding a bit crazy, but I surely am telling the truth!

Beseech goodness to stay with you and you shall not require philosophy for sure!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


We are humans, highest in evolution,
Do not fear from predators, nor hide away in seclusion.
We have the 5 senses working at the brink,
Of transforming into vulgarity, giving birth to a total gink.
Humanity is a boon, save it oh mankind!

Friends are made in minutes, 
Thoughtless of whether they thrive beyond limits,
Of life and whether they're naïve,
Later it stings, like clutching firmly a bee hive.
Humanity is a boon, use it oh mankind!

Respect and love need to be derived, 
From the equations of life, not to be intellectually deprived,
In making decisions with the latter,
And not letting your character shatter.
Humanity is a boon, protect it oh mankind!

The world is ephemeral,
Thus, humans should live life not like a feral.
Do not get deluded by the looks,
Remember always, life's best friends are always crooks.
Humanity is a boon, relish it oh mankind!

Do not get illuded by friendship, 
Remember that life is a wet floor, and you can anytime slip,
Get heaved into pathetic, flagrant deeds,
They shall take you no where, and you, God shall never heed!
Humanity is a paradigm of God, exalt it oh mankind!

Only good deeds shall help you in the end,
Only these shall help you to defend,
Yourself against grief and being rueful.
Therefore, be always thoughtful.
Humanity is God, let you be it's temple oh mankind!